Shift Work Disorder: Overview and Complications | Sleep Foundation#sleep Lets just look at the way our natural sleep works: “Circadian rhythms are largely guided by natural light and darkness. During the day, the retinas in your eyes perceive sunlight and signal the brain to release hormones like cortisol that keep you feeling alert and energized. As the sun sets and light fades, your brain produces another hormone, melatonin, which induces feelings of sleepiness and relaxation.” So what happens to shift workers? A shift worker is loosely defined as someone who works out side of the 6a – 7p timeframe.. We have about 15.5 million shift workers in the US thanks to the 24/7 economy. What does this mean for sleep, safety and health? This week Reliable RN will focus on the unique sleep challenges for those who stay awake outside of the “normal” circadian schedule. Please share this with those you know work “off shifts”.