#nutrition #sleep Starting tomorrow, Reliable RN will pivot to focus on sleep and the latest research on how to optimize your sleep. But, for the last day of January, lets talk nutrition and sleep. This retrospective study looked at vitamins and minerals and how the lack of them or an imbalance can effect sleep patters. In general, vitamins and minerals are absorbed best and digested best when they are part of your daily food intake. But, if you can’t make that happen – supplements might be an appropriate option. ” Adults aged 51-99 years with short sleep duration had inadequate intake with respect to more nutrients. In females there was an association between short sleep and a higher prevalence of inadequate intake (Food + Spp) for calcium, magnesium, and vitamins A, C, D, E, and K (above adequate intake). Conversely, males reporting short sleep only had an inadequate intake of vitamin D.” – Are you short on nutrients? how do you get yours? https://ift.tt/InPNcmh